Why I Love Comics reason #473- Toth on Rude

Found this on Neilalien: Alex Toth wrote a scathing, brutally honest critique of a Johnny Quest story Steve Rude had drawn. It’s a real piece of tough love. Toth points out every flaw in Rude’s story to try to inspire him to draw better. Take a look.

One thing that I’ve always loved about comics is that pros tend to want to help other pros (and fledgling pros) get better. Go to a convention, and you’ll see pro artists and editors poring over amateur portfolios, giving advice on how to improve to crack the comics market. Imagine Alfred Hitchcock reviewing student films and giving pointers, or Quentin Tarantino sitting at a convention offering to read scripts of up-and-coming screenwriters. Yet, at every comics convention, this sort of thing goes on all the time.

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